Thursday, November 14, 2019

Same Words Different People

In class, we learned about some new vocabularies. There was some words that, I already knew. My English teacher told us to ask our group members what the word means to them. We had the same meaning for the words but each of us explained the meaning in different ways. It was really nice to see the way, they described the word. I got to see from their point of view. It's was a nice experience, I would like to do this again in my class. I hope teachers, from other schools do this because the students could learn something new from their classmate or just learn the way their classmates think.


As we went over "The Art Of Hosting Good Conversations Online" in my English class. I noticed that it mentioned things about being a good host.  A host should always show, a good behavior so people can follow their example. They make sure that everyone feels welcome in their conversations. They make sure that, they keep their emotions in check. A host should be able to enforce rules, when needed. I really got to know what makes a good host on online.

Monday, November 11, 2019


In, my English class we are still reading about self reliance. This was written in 1841. He wrote about things that are happening now in society. He had no idea what would happening in future but he was on point with all the problems we are having now. He also wrote about us knowing ourselves well but in reality we don't know what we are capable of.  He said that we truly don't ourselves. Yeah, we might think that we are useless but in a other universe we might be the king or queen. I never really thought of it that way. In a way, we are all capable of accomplishing great things. We just need time to find out what we are great at. It might take a long time but you will find it.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


In the recent posts, I been writing about Self- Reliance.  The writer wrote about so many things that are true. To me least. The author wrote about being brave enough to say your ideas and being able to tell your ideas or beliefs in a way people can understand you. He talked about being consistent is such a good thing. You will never be able to experience news things. You would not be such open minded person. I agree with him because if I never did

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your mind." wrote Emerson. My English teacher explained to us, it means that we have all goals and can reach it but it all depends on mindset. We are all good people

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Emerson wrote, "It may be safely trusted as proportionate and of good issues, so it be faithfully imparted, but God will not have his work made manifest by cowards." My English explained to us what this line meant. He said, "We only bring the goods parts of us to school because we are too ashamed to show other people what we meant be capable of." I realized what he was say is true. To me at least. We are also capable of doing maybe things but to afraid to take action. Emerson also wrote that we take breaks because we did so much work and know we need time

Monday, November 4, 2019


Have you ever heard of  "Ne te quaesiveris extra?" It means, don't look outside of yourself. The writer wrote about believing in yourself. IN your ideas and being able to say out loud, without being afraid of getting judged, laughed at and maybe getting your pride hurt. the author wrote, "To believe your own thought, to believe