Thursday, February 13, 2020


Chapter 1
Who is Nick?
Who is telling the story?

Chapter 2

Who is Tom?
Who is Daisy ?

Chapter 3
Who does Nick speak to at Gatsby's party?
Is Jordan trustworthy?Why or why not?

Chapter 4
What happened to Gatsby when he was younger?
Who was Daisy dating before Tom?

Monday, February 3, 2020


We talk about many things in my English class. My teacher made us learn about so many things we don't think about or we get taught in other English classes. You know we all have to take English. american literature, but have you thought of what it meant. Why it's called American literature? Do you guys have an idea of what american or literature means? I never really thought of it. To me, I thought american is just someone that was born in America. Literature to me, was just learning about the way of writing.Today we told the told what it meant to us. We didn't know. He told us to search what it meant. Here is what I got from searching literature.

Literature- written  works, especially those considered of superior or last artistic merit

For american, I did't really know because their was many different definitions. Afterwards, we told the teacher what we found for american literature. All of us got different definitions, here are some. Most of us,  didn't have a definition for american. So he told us what it meant. He says it's something you adopt, it's not because you were born in america.

-writing (narrative stories /meaning)
-written works
-poetry/ journalism / advice
-art of writing
-last artistic merit


Sunday, February 2, 2020


In my English class, we were told to prepare a question that always comes up, in your mind. A question that you want to know the answer to. I really started to think, really hard about the questions that I had. It was hard to decide, which one I wanted to talk about. In the end, I went with, why are people so insecure about their selves? I thought of this question because I am insecure about myself. I want to know why some people care about others peoples' opinion? Why we must try so hard to make ourselves prefect? I want to be more confident in myself. I want to know a way that can put me, on that path.


 In my perverse post, I talked about the big questions, that got my attention. We each told our class about a question that always came to mind. I asked them why they thought of that question. Here is what they said. The reason he asked what's inside the the black hole is because he was afraid the earth might fall into one. Soledad said, that she is against abortions that why she is curious why we let women have abortions. I was so surprised she was against abortions and about the earth falling into a black hole.I wonder why others thought when they were asking their big questions.


Today, in my English class, we talked about questions that always come to mind. We each said our question. There were so many that caught my attention. These are two, what is inside a black hole?Why do some women decide to get abortion. I curious why they thought of that. Mostly about abortions. It's crazy how we think about so many different things. Here are some others, Will viruses and war bring the world to an end? Why do care about people’s genders instead of just letting them be who they are?Why do some police officers take advantage of their power? Why do people change when they get what they want? Tell me, your thoughts. What do you think about these questions or what do you about daily?


In my English class, we talk about the most random things but those things are actually important. Today, we had to do research on Hopepunk. I found out it was a genre and it has so much meaning behind it.

Hopepunk-it's narrative motivation in the idea of optimism-embodied in acts of love, kindness, and respect for one another-as resistance

It's used in a way to want to change things. They want a change so they resist and fight. This is way they use this genre and the way the author wanted them to use it as.


In the last century before there was many different ways of  writings. The one that was used  the most was the of  character of naturalism.

Naturalism-are sacrificed to unjust system in society and economic

Realism- documenting

Modernism- everything is broken

liminal-a way of writing you try but doesn't work for you

genre- a category


Today, in my English class we talked about, what is a syllogism? It means the simplest form of logical argument.  Validity is the truth. The premise is not true. When it's true is when you have enough evidence to support your reasoning. Just like math when you can play around with numbers but have to have enough evidence to support the way you solved, works. I always think of many things that always comes to mind. I am pretty sure all of have something we thinking all the time. The question that comes to mind is why are we so insecure about our selves? We all know that we each a flaw and no one has the time to actually pay attention to you. I am saying they are to caught in their own insecurities. 

Saturday, February 1, 2020


I read a about John Steinbeck, today in my English class. He was a well known writing that wrote so many great books. As I read about him, I learned something that got my attention. It was quite hard to understand what he was saying when I was reading it. Thankful, my teacher was kind to break it down for. Steinbeck was saying that there will always be evil in the world. It will not die but there will also be good too. We have to have  balance in the world just like the yin and jang symbol. It will chaotic, if we didn't.


In my English, we started talking about Martin Luther King Jr. and and how he gave his speech  in Washington. We started talking about him because here in the US we get the day off school. My teacher wanted us to know what was so great about the speech he gave. How the way he spoke was related to what we were going to start learning about. He said, that were going to talk about ethos, pathos, and logos. I learned about these terms in my classes before. I just forgot what they meant so he went over because he asked the whole class if they knew but no one really told he what it meant. So he assumed that no one knew but to be honest I had no idea. I was relief that he told us. Here are the definitions. He wanted us to watch listen speech to that MLK gave and being about to give examples, if gave he said anything that could be used as ethos, pathos, and logos.

-qualities of a speaker/writer that we can trust

MLK's speech
 He talked about the black people not getting the rights they have. He wants his children to be able to play, talk, use the same bathroom as whites, and have a class with them. He doesn't want his children to grow up in a place that have so much racial discrimination.

-quality of emotion

 MLK's speech
He spoke for so many blacks and spoke from his experience. Fighting for equally.

-It about having a reason and evidence to back it up

MLK's speech
 He talked about constitution that gives right to every man to be treated equally. What he seen so far is that all the blacks are getting mistreated.